Mapping Behavior

How Mapping Works

Tekla Structures and RISA-3D/RISAConnection have different nomenclatures for how elements are named. To map these names between the two programs a mapping file is generated by the RISA-Tekla Link for each Tekla Structures environment:

This mapping file contains materials, section names, etc., and maps Tekla Structures nomenclature to RISA-3D/RISAConnection and vice-versa. The mapping files are based on the default information in the Tekla Structures environments and the RISA-3D/RISAConnection shape databases. If new sections are added to these databases then they will ALSO need to be added to the mapping file for the RISA-Tekla Link to map these properties between programs.

Mapping File Editor

There is no problem opening the .xml mapping files in a spreadsheet program and making edits.  However, the format of this file is somewhat difficult to understand.  In lieu of this option there is a Mapping File Editor button, accessible a few different ways.

RISAConnection-Tekla Link Dialog
RISA-3D Tekla Link Export/Import Dialogs


When this button is pressed the Mapping File Editor will open. When it opens the program will read the shape, material and bolt information from the environment you are currently working in. It will also read from the associated RISA shape database. Finally, it will read and populate the dialog with information from the given mapping file.

Note that in the Mapping drop-down list is where the option for profiles (shape), materials or bolts is located.

Each item (profiles, materials, bolts) has a separate view with both "Tekla to RISA" and "RISA to Tekla" tabs. When a change is made to mapping behavior this change will automatically occur on both tabs.


The About dialog will tell you which environment is being used, the mapping file URL and where the editor is looking for the RISA shapes database.


Shape/Section Mapping

Member shapes are mapped between Tekla Structures and RISA by way of a mapping file. There is a default mapping file added at install time that has standard shapes mapped. To edit the mapping file you can open in directly. An easier way to edit, however, is via the Mapping File Editor.


Material Mapping

Materials are automatically mapped between Tekla Structures and RISAConnection for wide flanges, tubes, pipes, angles and plates. Tekla Structures has many materials not supported in RISAConnection. If RISAConnection does not support that material a warning will be given and a default material will be used.


Element GUID's
RISAConnection Link

The link uses two connection identifiers when referring to a specific connection with the link. The connection GUID is what the link maps to. This is a unique value for each connection. This value is a very long string, however, so the link uses the CONNECTION_RUNNING_NUMBER as the displayed name of the connection.

However, you can update this using the button in Tekla Structures. See the Application Interface topic for more information on this.

RISA-3D Link

The link uses the object GUID when referencing an element.

RISAConnection Specific Mapping Considerations

When transferring Tekla Structures connections to RISAConnection properties are mapped over from Tekla Structures to RISAConnection and vice-versa. Tekla Structures and RISAConnection are very different and were built for different applications. However, many properties can be mapped directly between the two programs.

Properties are characterized as one of three different classifications: read-only properties, editable properties and ignored properties.  Here we will explore each classification.

Read-Only Properties

Read-only properties are properties brought in from Tekla Structures that can not be updated in RISAConnection. These are properties inherent to the structure itself. These include section properties, material properties and loading. These are items that in most cases the connection designer does not have control of. Thus, these properties must be edited in the Tekla Structures model and is read-only in RISAConnection. There are also some other properties that for mapping purposes are brought over as read-only as well.

Bolt Hole Configuration

In RISAConnection you can have multiple configurations that Tekla Structures does not support. Because of this it is required to set the bolt hole types in Tekla Structures only.

For more information see the Bolt Hole Mapping section.

Editable Properties

Editable properties are properties brought in from Tekla Structures that can be updated in RISAConnection. These are properties specific to connection design that the connection designer would have control over. This includes welds, bolt criteria, plate and clip angle criteria, offsets, etc. These properties, if updated in RISAConnection, will be updated in the Tekla Structures model when the results are exported back from RISAConnection.

Ignored Properties

Ignored properties are properties completely ignored by the RISA-Tekla Link. These are generally elements in Tekla Structures that are not supported in RISAConnection. Some examples of properties ignored by the link:

Mapping Priority

Tekla Structures has the ability to define/edit properties in a variety of ways. The RISA-Tekla Link maps properties between Tekla Structures and RISAConnection in the following priority order:

  1. If the component doesn't have all of the information the RISA-Tekla Link will use the connection's individual object information.

  1. If both the component and the individual objects do not fully define the connection the RISA-Tekla Link will look to the joints.def file for information. See the Tekla Structures help for more information about the usage of this file.

Tekla Structures uses the joints.def in specific folder sequences. The order that it looks in is:

Below is a table showing the possible values that could be used directly from the joints.def file.

Component 141 Component 144 Component 146 Component 134 Component 182
Beam bolt vert edge dist Bolt vert edge dist Plate thickness Bolt vert edge dist Plate thickness
Beam bolt horz edge dist Bolt horz edge dist Bolt vert edge dist Bolt horz edge dist Bolt vert edge dist
Column/girder vert edge dist Rows of bolts Bolt horz edge dist Rows of bolts Bolt horz edge dist
Column/girder horz edge dist Row spacing Rows of bolts Row spacing Rows of bolts
Rows of bolts Columns of bolts Row spacing Columns of bolts Row spacing
Row spacing Column spacing Columns of bolts Column spacing Columns of bolts
Columns of bolts Cope width Column spacing   Column spacing
Column spacing Cope length Cope width    
Cope width   Cope length    
Cope length        


Components 58, 59 and 60 Components, 11, 20, and 62 Component 184
Col/Gusset, Beam/Gusset, and Brace/Gusset bolt vert edge dist Brace/Gusset bolt vert edge dist Plate thickness
Col/Gusset, Beam/Gusset, and Brace/Gusset horz edge dist Brace/Gusset horz edge dist Bolt vert edge dist
Col/Gusset, Beam/Gusset, and Brace/Gusset Rows of bolts Brace/Gusset Rows of bolts Bolt horz edge dist
Col/Gusset, Beam/Gusset, and Brace/Gusset Row spacing Brace/Gusset Row spacing Rows of bolts
Col/Gusset, Beam/Gusset, and Brace/Gusset Columns of bolts Brace/Gusset Columns of bolts Row spacing
Col/Gusset, Beam/Gusset, and Brace/Gusset Column spacing Brace/Gusset Column spacing Columns of bolts
Gusset Dimensions Gusset Dimensions Column spacing
Diagonal Brace Dimensions Diagonal Brace Dimensions Cope width
    Cope length
  1. If we can not find a property in any of the above 3 locations then RISAConnection will use it's own default value.

Other Mapping Considerations

Bolt Mapping

Slip-critical nomenclature is not identical between both programs. Here is how the mapping is defined in both directions for the US Imperial environment. The best way to see this information for other environments is from the Mapping File Editor.

Tekla to RISA Translation   RISA to Tekla Translation
Tekla Bolts RISA Bolts   RISA Bolts Tekla Bolts
Bolt Standard Bolt Material Slip Critical   Bolt Material Slip Critical Bolt Standard
A307 A307-N No   A307-N No A307
A325M A325M No   A307-N Class A A307
A325MT A325M No   A307-N Class B A307
A325N A325-N No   A307-X No A307
A325N-DTI A325-N No   A307-X Class A A307
A325_TC A325-N No   A307-X Class B A307
A325_TC-DTI A325-N No   A325-N No A325N
A325N_TC-DTI A325-N No   A325-N Class A A325SC
A325SC A325-N Class A   A325-N Class B A325SC
A325SC_TC A325-N Class A   A325-X No A325X
A325T A325-N No   A325-X Class A A325SC
A325X A325-X No   A325-X Class B A325SC
A325X-DTI A325-X No   A490-N No A490N
A325X_TC A325-X No   A490-N Class A A490SC
A325X_TC-DTI A325-X No   A490-N Class B A490SC
A490M A490M No   A490-X No A490X
A490N A490-N No   A490-X Class A A490SC
A490N-DTI A490-N No   A490-X Class B A490SC
A490N_TC A490-N No   A325M No A325M
A490N_TC-DTI A490-N No   A325M Class A A325M
A490SC A490-N Class A   A325M Class B A325M
A490 SC_TC A490-N Class A   A325M No A325M
A490X A490-X No   A325M Class A A325M
A490X-DTI A490-X No   A325M Class B A325M
A490X_TC A490-X No   A490M No A490M
A490X_TC-DTI A490-X No   A490M Class A A490M
        A490M Class B A490M
        A490M No A490M
        A490M Class A A490M
        A490M Class B A490M



Weld Mapping

In the Tekla Structures components there is a button for welds:

This is the place where the Weld Size and Weld Type is stored.

A couple of notes on this dialog:

In Tekla Structures the Electrode Classification is almost never stored in the component. You must click on the individual weld object to view this information. The table shows how this information is mapped.

Tekla Electrode Classification RISA Electrode Type
35 Unsupported (use E70)
42 Unsupported (use E70)
50 Unsupported (use E70)
E60XX E60
E70XX E70
E80XX E80
E90XX E90
E70XX* E100
E70XX* E110


Bolt Hole Mapping

In RISAConnection you can have multiple configurations that Tekla Structures does not support. Because of this it is required to set the bolt hole types in Tekla Structures only.

In Tekla it is possible to map the type of bolt holes to RISAConnection.

This is the nomenclature that is used:

Tekla Hole Type Tekla Rotate Slots RISA
Default Odd SSLH
Default Even SSLV
Default Parallel SSLH
Default Default STD
Slotted Odd LSLH
Slotted Even LSLV
Slotted Parallel LSLH
Slotted Default LSLH
Oversized Any Value OVS


If the hole dimensions are defined explicitly an warning will be generated and RISAConnection will default to a STD hole. RISAConnection bases the standard hole size (STD) and slotted hole sizes on values taken directly from the AISC steel manual. Again, if you input dimensions directly they will not be used.
